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Agenda: Two-day Entrepreneur’s Programme

Day 1

Welcome and Introductions

  • What is SETsquared and who are your programme facilitators?
  • Who are you and what is your business idea?
  • Introducing Build|Model|Test

Build Warm-up

  • What is architecture?
  • The Marshmallow Challenge!

Introducing the Business Model Canvas

  • Why innovations fail
  • Innovation Best Practice and using the Business Model Canvas

The Customer

  • Identifying customers, their problems and the impact
    Finding groups of customers that form market segments

Value Proposition

  • Understanding the all-important problem/solution fit
  • Putting together your value proposition


The Opportunity

  • Segmenting markets
  • Targeting markets and how to reach them

Revenue Streams

  • Choosing revenue models
  • How to set price: putting a value on your value proposition


  • Identifying the activities and how they add value
  • Understanding the resources and their cost structures

Business Model Testing

  • Exploring and prototyping business models
  • Business model patterns

Day 2

Assessing Business Models

  • Business Model Mechanics
  • Trigger questions, research and iterations

Business Model Testing

  • What to test and when
  • How to test and what to do with what you learn

Finance and Investor Perspective

  • Investors and Investor Psychology – who’s buying?
  • Understanding an investors view of a Business Model

Presenting and the Business Model Story

  • Building your business model story
  • Hints and tips to pitch successfully
  • How to impact your audience


Company Business Model Canvas Presentations

  • Companies present their Business Model Canvas to a panel
  • 3-5 minutes to communicate your business model and next steps (length depends on number of participants)

Speed Mentoring!

  • Like Speed-dating, but more useful!
  • Companies have 1:1 sessions with each mentor and panellist

Wrap-up and Prize Giving!

  • A (small) prize for the best presentation/business

SETsquared is a partnership between

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