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Envolve Technology Limited / My Community

Envolve Technology was established because there is currently no connectivity between any public service providers or indeed local businesses, with no local point for the public to go and find out what is happening in their town. To stay engaged it is currently up to the public to know every service provider or business they use and to individually subscribe to their mailing lists or worse still to regularly visit each website to see if there is a current survey to take.

Envolve Technology imagined a world where simply putting in their postcode to a website allowed the public to see all the decisions that were being made about them in one central place. Our product is a simple concept, where planning applications sit alongside surveys about changes to health services; the council ask questions about how they spend taxes at the same time as transport companies engage about ticket price rises. Local businesses ask questions about customer service experience, or changes to opening times, whilst local charities engage on their latest projects and schools ask for feedback about their summer fete.

Essentially, though technology, our vision is to unite the fragmented public sector, providing them with a single point in which to engage with the public. We aim to both localise and personalise engagement and furthermore, to widen the ability to engage, allowing charities, groups, local businesses, companies and even large corporates to easily and effectively engage with local people at the touch of a button.

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