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At present the business is an early-stage start up with the technology aspects nearing completion.

The business is a service company providing tools & technology to different customer groups (see potential market) in order that they might deliver and support their rodent control solution more effectively & efficiently while reducing costs.

The business model is one of leasing our intelligent bait units and online service (see product/service) to customers for a contracted time. What they receive in return is an online service giving near real-time information and analytics on their current rodent control solution and levels of infestation.

The customer has the ability to create multiple locations, move bait units around as they see fit and perform trending analysis.

The benefits of this service to our customers are highlighted in the “business summary” section.

iPEST will not be delivering people to go and place and (re)fill boxes with poison. This, alongside the leasing of the units marks a radical step change in the business model of pest control services. However, the benefit to iPEST is the ability to scale the business to a national and international level quickly (no geographically local personnel are required).

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