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How can blockchain benefit healthcare?

How can blockchain benefit healthcare?

Join the webinar, hosted by the University of Surrey, to learn how blockchain solutions can facilitate secure and efficient medical data exchange.

The healthcare sector involves a large network of providers and users who rely on secure, accurate and timely information exchange. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the fore the urgency of improving the processes of data-tracking and medical supply chains. Blockchain technology has a great potential to help with these challenges.

In this webinar, a multidisciplinary group of experts from academia and the private sector will discuss how blockchain technology can benefit healthcare.

About Us:

Blockstart is a European-funded project that was set up to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to overcome challenges that are currently preventing them from implementing blockchain technology. We offer a free training programme to SMEs in the healthcare, agrofood, logistics and supply chain sectors, and develop and test solutions ranging from digital smart contracts to medical e-records.

Webinar Agenda and speaker profiles:

14:00 to 14:15 – Chris Pett: Blockstart training programme

Chris will describe the Blockstart programme and the kind of training and technical support SMEs can receive. He will focus on Blockstart’s extensive syllabus of training opportunities for health sector SMEs interested in using blockchain and distributed ledger technology. He will also explain the next steps for companies who want to apply to join Blockstart and receive our programme of support over the next 12 months.

Chris Pett is an Enterprise Expert with the SETsquared business incubator based at the University of Surrey, where he coaches startup founders and SME business leaders on investment, R&D and operations strategy. Chris leads the Blockstart business training provided by the University of Surrey. Before joining SETsquared, Chris was Head of Delivery at the Open Data Institute in London. He has delivered innovation training to startups and large enterprises through organisations like Startup Bootcamp, The British Library and General Assembly.


14:15 to 14:30 – Andrew Hudson: Addressing gaps in social care data

The Covid-19 pandemic has put the social care sector under the spotlight with many of us personally affected. Lack of data is regularly sited as a major barrier to effective responses at local, national and regional levels. The lack of data is caused by poor reporting practices, the lack of standards and concerns about data security and privacy.

Andrew will take you through the digital platform they are developing to address gaps in social care data. The platform relies on data being distributed. He would like to know whether or how a blockchain or distributed ledger solution would improve on a simple data distribution capability.

Andrew Hudson is the founder of BetterTrack with twenty years’ experience developing & deploying strategy and change management platforms for organisations that include the Medical Research Council, Etihad Airways, the Home Office, KBR, Accenture and KPMG internationally.


14:30 to 14:45 – Geoff Taylor: The key pillars and uses of blockchain technology

Geoff will briefly introduce the key pillars of blockchain technology that are suited to assisting in a range of business challenges, including information sharingsecurity and integrity. In addition, Geoff will outline the planned activities that ChainPoint and Multitel shall cover with SMEs in the Blockstart programme, with a focus on aligning technology with business opportunities.

ChainPoint is a Blockstart partner working primarily, together with Multitel, on guiding the Blockstart programme’s SMEs through the journey of: i) identifying business challenges; ii) identifying opportunities through blockchain technology to solve business challenges; iii) developing blockchain applications to solve sector-related challenges.

Geoff Taylor is a senior software engineer at ChainPoint, specialising in developing solutions that implement digital Chain of Custody models. Geoff has a strong interest in utilising modern and emerging technologies, such as blockchain, to increase collaboration in industry sectors so that productivity can be raised, and costs and risks reduced.


14:45 to 15:00 – Professor John Collomosse: Blockchain for secure sharing of medical data

John will outline how research projects such as ComeHere will radically transform healthcare by developing a system that utilises blockchain technology solutions to securely store medical records while democratising personal healthcare data, and ultimately benefiting users and healthcare providers.

John Collomosse is a Professor of Computer Vision at the Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at the University of Surrey, one of the UK’s largest academic research groups for Artificial Intelligence with over 150 researchers. John is a Visiting Professor at Adobe Research, Creative Intelligence Lab (San Jose, CA). He leads the digital creativity lab at CVSSP focusing on the interaction of Computer Vision, Graphics and AI for the creative industries. He also heads up the Surrey Blockchain activity exploring the fusion of AI and Distributed Ledger Technologies.


15:00 to 15:15 – Q&A

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