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Innovation Warm-Up

Thank you for attending our Innovation Warm-Up, part of the Innovate Local – Southern Pioneers event.

As a thank you for you for taking part and so that you can continue to build on the work you did at the warm-up, fill out the form below and we will send you a Business Model Canvas template which you can use and edit as well as the slides from the session.

The full Innovation Workout takes place online over two days. You’ll get the opportunity to explore the topics you started in the warm-up in more detail – examining all aspects of your business such as developing your value proposition, customer segments, sales channels, revenue streams etc to identify new areas for growth and innovation. It also gives the opportunity to work with expert mentors and get their feedback on your business and meet and work with other innovative, high-growth companies. There are dates throughout 2021. Find out more and register here

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Innovation Warm-Up

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