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Dr Pankaj Parashar

Cutting Edge Medical Devices

Medical diagnostics for a smarter future

Dr Pankaj Parashar – Cutting Edge Medical Devices play

“I have been a part of various accelerators and mentorship programmes across the country, but my experience with the LIF+ programme was totally different.”


Cutting Edge Medical Devices is a med-tech company based in India that offers smart, accurate and affordable medical solutions. It is developing devices that can generate high-quality data for AI-based predictive healthcare services. The first product on the market is Scintiglo, a smart point-of-care diagnostic device for testing urine samples for the early detection of kidney disease in patients with diabetes or hypertension. It can also be used to identify high-risk pregnancies. The portable device tests for proteins present in urine samples and gives a result within two seconds with lab-like accuracy, at a fraction of the cost. The data from the device is then sent to a smartphone, enabling results to be shared immediately.   

Country of origin: India


People in the team: 10

The most valuable parts of the LIF+ programme

  • Gaining valuable business acumen
  • Making international connections and partnerships
  • Help with intellectual property
  • Mentoring to raise investment
  • Developing an understanding of overseas markets
  • Identifying new opportunities for product diversification

The LIF+ Programme has been a great learning experience. I have been a part of various accelerators and mentorship programmes across the country, but my experience with the LIF programme was totally different. It is a really hands-on learning experience covering things like, getting international exposure, getting connections and getting recognition, which helped me a lot during my journey.”

“The company was registered in 2014, after prototype development, clinical validation, quality certifications, regulatory clearances – and despite the pandemic, we launched the product in November 2020. Now, we have the product in the Indian market, and are getting a pretty good response. In just three months, we have 70 devices in use in clinics, pathology labs, and hospitals across India.”

“I could have never thought of getting into animal healthcare as an offshoot for my product. So that could be a totally new opportunity that has been identified thanks to this programme. We are now connected to a pet healthcare company in the UK who are interested in taking on this technology in the next few months.”

“The Indian Government has recently launched the national digital health mission, so we are focusing on developing new low-cost, high-accuracy devices for the Indian market, and we are looking to raise investment for this.”

“We are discussing distribution of Scintiglo into the Mexican market. Thanks to a connection with one of the LIF+ fellows, we are in discussions with a large Mexican medical device distributor, which is a completely new opportunity.”

“The UK would be our starting point for this device in the animal healthcare market. Once we have raised enough funds, we will focus on getting our human medical devices into the UK healthcare market as well.”

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