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Event Outline: Graduate Acceleration Showcase

Key dates and milestones for applicants

Application form open 11th Feb
Deadline for companies to submit application form attaching their 1-page executive summary and logo 19th March by 9.00
Each University to validate local applications By 20th March
Email companies with notification of presentation time slot and online panel selection day details From 21st March
Support sessions at each University

TBC – pitch support from 3DS w/c 25th March or 1st April

Organised by each University individually
1st Online Panel Selection Session with external investor panel + internal observers  

8, 10 and 11 April

2nd Online Panel Selection Session with external investor panel + internal observers
3rd Online Panel Selection Session with external investor panel + internal observers (if required)
Webinar with Matt Morley – “The difference between your investor pitch and your customer pitch: Why controlling the narrative matters.” 29th April, 3-4pm
Written feedback following online panel selection sessions for forwarding to ventures by the centres/university teams 26th April
Deadline for electronic presentations required for use at the Pitch Practice sessions 7th May 9am
Webinar with Caroline Fleming – “How do you recognize a good deal?” 7th May 12noon-1pm
Pitch Practice sessions @ local venues  

– 13th May 2019:Bath

– 15th May 2019:Exeter

– 16th May 2019:Surrey



Notification to inform companies about the outcome of the final selection following the Pitch Practice sessions + Information Pack with info on the stand + exhibition requirements form

w/c 20th May
Deadline for updated company 1-page summary (if updating was required following feedback received after the Online Panel Selection Days) 24th May 9am
Deadline for companies to submit their exhibition requirements form 31st May 9am
Pitch refinement sessions – Zoom session with Tim Doidge 30th, 31st May and 3rd June


Webinar with Gary Smith – How to get the most out of the event 14th June 13.00 – 14.00


Deadline for presenting companies to submit electronic presentations for use at the event 14th June 9am


Final Information Packs sent to exhibiting/pitching companies along with draft Delegate List w/c 17th June

10.30am – 2.00pm: Setup and dress rehearsal of presentations


25th June

8.30am – 12.00noon: Graduate Acceleration Showcase

Wed 26th June

Deloitte Holborn




Selecting the companies to exhibit and pitch (all stages are compulsory):

STAGE 1: Once applications are validated by each Institution, companies will be invited to attend an Online Panel Selection Session. A maximum of 45 companies will pitch online. To prepare for the selection phase they’ll receive support from each Institution.

At the online selection session, each company will give a 5-minute pitch to a panel of mentors and experienced entrepreneurs. A 10-minute Q&A + feedback from the panellists will follow each pitch.

The aim is to select 24-27 companies to go to the next phase of the programme.


STAGE 2: Selected companies will be invited to pitch live in 3 different locations in front of an audience of local investor and experienced entrepreneurs who will provide feedback. At the end of these sessions, 18-20 companies will be selected to pitch at the London showcase.


STAGE 3: Selected companies will be given further support to hone their pitch ready for the showcase via their local Institutions and they will attend online pitch refinement sessions delivered by SETsquared trainers.


All companies selected to pitch at the showcase on 26th June will be required to attend a compulsory rehearsal session on 25th June so accommodation will be required for the night of 25th at your own cost.


5-minute Pitch Guideline

In general, the audience is looking for an overview/snapshot of your value proposition in the time allocated. They are not expecting huge amounts of detail about how your solution works but are in general more interested in the overall business opportunity that you are presenting. As a guide it is recommended that you cover off the following questions:

  • The Problem: What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
  • The Solution: What is your solution to that problem?
  • The Opportunity: What is the market opportunity for your solution? “Value Impact” of the business idea
  • The Business Model: Explain how the business model works. How are you going to make money?
  • The Team: Who are they and what is their relevant experience?
  • The Ask: What do you need in terms of next steps?



If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call Serena Giaminardi on 07460 271419.

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