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SPEaC Happy: improving staff engagement and wellbeing

SPEaC Happy: improving staff engagement and wellbeing

SPEaC Happy (aka The Happy App) is a new tool for triggering staff engagement that measures the temperature in the workplace and encourages staff to give candid and constructive feedback anonymously to help streamline workflows, build more efficient work processes and improve job satisfaction and staff morale. It comprises a software application and bespoke teaching and training package designed to encourage staff to actively engage with managers in improving their working environment and standards of patient care. SPEaC Happy can be customised to work for any trust for a one-off build cost and an annual licence to cover software support, usage and training.

While working on large-scale change management projects in the NHS, Anne Frampton and co-founder of FH intuition Andrew Hollowood saw the potential to unlock the wealth of information known to front line staff and make it available in real time to managers and leaders to promote staff engagement and local leadership. Their working knowledge of the NHS, coupled with a passion to improve patient outcomes have been the driving force behind the formation of a new start-up, FHIntuition and a bespoke website and app for staff engagement and change management for use across the NHS.

FHIntuition’s work at University Hospital Bristol won the HSJ 2016 award for staff engagement, giving the impetus to improve functionality and trial the web application with more hospitals. Thanks to a year’s funding from Health Education England and an EU Innovation for Growth Grant, the SPEaC Happy app is sparking a feel good factor among staff and patients across the NHS.

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SPEaC Happy: improving staff engagement and wellbeing


Start date: October 2014

Website: Visit website

Location: Bristol

Employees: 3

SETsquared programme: Health Innovation Programme 2016



Emergency Medicine Consultant Anne Frampton and Consultant Surgeon Andy Hollowood get together to find a new way to optimise workflows and boost morale in the healthcare sector

January 2015

Workshops secure feedback and ideas on how best to design and run a continuous improvement programme, with NHS staff at the heart

February 2015

A pilot Excel system trials the idea with NHS staff at University Hospital, Bristol

September 2015

Staff engagement website launched under the SPEaC Happy banner

2015 - 2016

SPEaC Happy successfully rolled out across the local trust


Attended the West of England Health Innovation Programme, funded and supported by the West of England Academic Health Science Network, to acquire the business know-how to sell the idea widely in the NHA earn the credibility to secure public funding


UH Bristol implementation wins the 2016 HSJ award for staff engagement


Health Education England supports the roll out of the SPEaC Happy app to three further local organisations

“Staff wellbeing plays a big part in the success of any organisation,” says Anne Frampton, “And a lot of opportunities are missed by not tracking what’s really happening on the ground. People need the freedom and means to say whatever they think about how things are done and how they could be made better. We created SPEAaC Happy to capture this wealth of new knowledge, inviting staff feedback without asking who they are and making it simple enough to be a standard, continuous process – part of the job.”

“As clinicians, we didn’t have the business skills to pitch SPEaC widely in the NHS and develop it for education and other sectors. So we joined the SETsquared West of England Health Innovation Programme in 2016 to learn how to make a commercial success of SPEaC Happy. In just a few days we gained the know-how and the confidence to do just that and earned the credibility we needed to secure public funding and support to implement it across the NHS.”

Anne Frampton, Founder
FH Intuition

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