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Talkfreely is a UK based organisation that develops and supports a SaaS solution designed to meet the internal communication needs...
HyperTeknologies markets and supports liquid handling systems, ultra low volume dispensing equipment, and technology transfer programs for multiplexing arrays and...
Market: There is a lack of operational data being collected within the restaurant industry. Organisations can vastly benefit from this...
LettUs Grow is a UK-based agricultural technology company that is revolutionising irrigation in vertical farms and informing the distribution of...
Order Take Away Limited is a company registered company in Southampton, UK. The company creates apps and websites for takeaway...
We provide unique speciality & high-end products that are difficult to find and unique (e.g. vinegar from pomegranate, olive oil...
The concept of Table Tiger was developed during the 14 years that the applicants owned and operated a successful Gloucestershire...